
The Innkeeper offers a range of roles suitable for children of all ages. Children as young as three years old can participate as sheep, progressing within a year to become angels or shepherds where they learn all the play’s songs. As they develop the confidence and readiness to learn lines, children progress on to play shepherds, angels and the lead roles.

Every role, except that of Mary, can be played by boys or girls. Congregations that repeat The Innkeeper each Christmas find that children become familiar with the songs and dialogue and enthusiastically try out new roles, bringing innovative interpretations.

The Innkeeper. An adult or mature teenager. This is the role in which many adults see themselves: weary, wary, cynical and longing for God’s presence. The title role involves major dialogue and requires him/her to perform a singing solo, The Innkeeper’s Song.

The Child. This is a lead role and requires he/she to sing a solo, The Child’s Song.

Isaiah. A cameo appearance delivering the prophetic announcement of the coming Holy Birth.

Mary. A lead role that can be performed by a girl of any age capable of carrying the solo in My Soul Magnifies God.

Joseph. A lead role that can be performed by a boy (or girl if necessary) of any age (though he should match generally in age and size with Mary) capable of carrying the second solo in My Soul Magnifies God.

The Three Magi. Balthazar, Melchior, Gaspar ( Elias, a 4th can be added). This trio has to be able to carry several scenes, lots of dialogue, and sing two songs—mostly as a trio with some support from the chorus. Ideal for middle school and high school age.

Shepherds and Angels. This is the chorus for the play. They join in on choral parts for most songs. There is a scene where most in the group will get a spoken line. The shepherds and angels are where most of the younger children can take part. The very youngest can be sheep.

Head Shepherd and Head Angel. Have a brief comedic dialogue. They can be any age and don’t need to match in age/size.